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Nettleton, MS 38858

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Sprout Insurance Blog

Causes of Roof Damage on Commercial Property

Your commercial building’s roofing is constantly exposed to the elements and may experience wear and tear that requires immediate repair to prevent failure of the roof. Sprout Insurance, serving Nettleton, MS, offers a few of the most common causes of commercial roof damage and how ongoing maintenance measures can prevent problems that lead to costly repairs and replacement.

Roof Damage Can Occur From A Variety of Problems

Snow and Ice

Winter weather puts additional stress on roofing materials with the weight of snow and ice, as well as the risk of water damage from snowmelt. Removing accumulations of snow and ice can help to prevent water intrusion that can damage both exterior and interior materials.

Wind Damage

High winds can cause other types of damage, such as damage to materials by flying objects, lifting of loose materials, and even removal of roof tiles by extremely strong gusts. Keeping your roof in good condition can help to avoid some of these problems.

Standing Water

Over time, low spots can develop that allow water to stand for periods of time, which can lead to deterioration of the roofing materials and progressive weakening of the underlying structure. Regular inspection can reveal these problems and prompt immediate repairs to prevent further damage. 

Punctures of Roofing Material

In some cases, roofing materials can experience punctures of the surface by overhanging tree limbs or from flying debris. These punctures should be repaired immediately to prevent further problems from moisture intrusion and mold.

Failure of Flashing and Pitch Pans

Deterioration of the flashing and pitch pans can lead to water intrusion and deterioration of roofing materials. It’s important to monitor and repair these issues as soon as possible to prevent further damage to materials and water intrusion into the building interior.

Ongoing monitoring and maintenance can help to prevent many instances of roof damage on commercial property. Regular inspections of your roofing materials can help you to avoid more costly repairs.

Make Sure You Are Insured

Looking for commercial coverage? Sprout Insurance, serving the greater Nettleton, MS community, is here to help.